Alma Kakisheva

Alma Kakisheva


Kakisheva Alma Zhumashkyzy, director, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Born in the city of Pavlodar.


In 1978 she graduated from the two-year studio at the theater named after M. Auezov, in 1994 she graduated from the department of cinema and drama of the Theater and Art Institute named after T. Zhurgenov (now the Academy of Arts) and in 2004 she graduated from the master's program as a director.

1980-1984 worked as an actress in the Semipalatinsk Regional Musical Drama Theatre,


1984 - 1994 actress of the Republican puppet theater.


Since 1994 director, actress of the M. Auezov Theatre.


Since 2003 director

Acting work:


The blind girl in "The Blind" by M. Maeterlinck, played in the performances "Farewell Love" by M. Makataev, "Genghis Khan" by I. Gayip, "Madonnas of ALZHIR" by A. Tasymbekov and K. Iskak, (director of all performances B. Atabaev), and also played in experimental performances "The Sin of the Morning Star" (M. Zhumabaev, stage version by A. Tarazi, directed by K. Sugurbekov), "Transformation" (F. Kafka, stage version by E. Amanshaev), "Doll's House" (G . Ibsen).

Today, as an actress, she plays Bettina in the play "Before Sunset" by G. Hauptman (translated by K. Iskak, dir. R. Andriasyan), Aisulu in sp. "The Night When Horses Cry" (T. Murod, dir. O. Salimov), Aisulu in "Autumn Romance" (S. Asylbekuly, dir. N. Zhumaniyazov), Nurgaisha in sp. "The Beauty and the Artist" (T. Akhmetzhan, directed by N. Zhakypbay), Fyokla Ivanovna in the comedy "Marriage" (Gogol, translated by O. Kyykymov, directed by V. Zakharov).

Director's performances:


In the theaters of the republic: "Creative loneliness" - A. Camus and Shakarim, based on the work of M. Makataev (graduation performance). A. Amzeuly. "Eh, Kodar-eh", phantasmagoria, Dzhambul Regional Drama Theatre. Molière, translated by A. Suleimenov. "George Danden or Fooled Husband!", comedy, theater "Ak Saray".


Theater named after M. Auezov: "Avalanche" drama by T. Zhuzhenoglu, trans. O. Kyykymov. S. Asylbekuly "Evening in the Empire", American playwright D. Coburn "The Game of Gin" (translated by E. Amanshaev), A. Chekhov "Three Sisters" (translated by A. Bopezhanov), G. Yessim drama "Tansulu" ( 2014).

Tries luck in the field of cinema. She played roles in the television films "... Russia Mother" (dir. R. Alpiev), "Temirtau".


He teaches "acting" at the Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov. She also conducts master classes at courses for improving knowledge at the Republican Cultural and Political Institute of Art Studies, in regional theaters.


Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2014)