Born in 1987, native of the Kabsky district of the Altai Territory (China).
Graduate of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov.
In 2014, he was accepted into the cast of the Kazakh State Academic Drama Theater named after M. Auezov.
Roles in the theater:
D. Isabekov "One Hundred Years of Love" (director A. Kakisheva) - observer,
G. Yesim "Tansulu" (director A. Kakisheva) - Zhoykyn,
I. Vovnyanko "Who killed the actor?" (director A. Ashimov) - Artist,
I. Esenberlin "Diamond Sword" (director A. Kakisheva) - Karakozha (Kerey Batyr),
Euripides "Medea" (director A. Kabdeshova) - Jason,
K.Murat "The Key to Happiness" (director E. Obaev) - Policeman,
M. Omarova "The Taste of Bread" (director A. Kakisheva) - Military,
N. Orazalin "Night by candlelight" (director N. Zhakypbai) - Sagyn,
A. Alaman "You are in my heart" (director A. Ospanbayeva) - Guy,
A. Volodin "Don't part with your loved ones" (director A. Memirov) - photographer,
M. Auezov "Kobylandy" (director N. Zhakypbay) - Kazan,
G. Tomsky "Attila and Aetius" (director A. Kakisheva) - Commander,
M. Omarova "Ahiko from Aktas" (director A. Maemirov) - Investigator,
Sh. Aitmatov "And the day lasts longer than a century" (director A. Mambetov) - Investigator,
T. Nurmaganbetov "Kyrmanbay's Wedding" (director A. Rakhimov) - Kiko,
N. Erdman "Suicide" (dir. A. Ospanbayeva) - Professor,
Iran-Gaiyp "The Curse of Korkyt" (director Y. Vaitkus) - shaman,
A. Suleimenov "Cry for the lost song" (director A. Rakhimov) - Akan Seri,
Iran-Gayip "Suyunbay" (dir. M.Akhmanov) - Black Baytik,
L. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" (dir. E. Obaev) - Doctor,
M. Omarova, B. Abdilmanov "The Mystery of Abai" (dir. A. Ospanbaeva) - Kulenbay,
A. Kunanbayuly "Kara" (dir. Zh. Zhumanbay) – 2nd man,
B. Brecht "Peri katyn" (dir. E. Nursultan) - Altyn kekil.